Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Define TRUST...

 reliance on another person or entity.
I trust you, I love you, I miss you.
you claim that I have changed, and yea maybe I have
and you have too.
I want it to be just US. 
I cant see the big deal why your so upset about me blocking her.
it may of been wrong in some ways, but really?? wheres the hurt in it?
because I love u so much and only want u to myself? because I feel like everytime we fight is because of her?
because it is! and Im so tired of it. I want her out of our lives!! and if I have to block her whore ass from BOTH our phones, I will.
You think Im tripping, that Im crazy, pyscho and whatever else.
Im CRAZY about you, Ill go PYSCHO if someone fucks with you and yea I'll TRIP to keep you mine.
Im sorry you feel Im not the same woman, but to me I have bonded so close to you I will do whatever I need to, to keep MY man.

and Im finished with her, thats all I needed to do to satisfy my self and letting her go her own away..
so be mad at me because I love you and want u to myself.

Ill just sit in TIME OUT over here in my little corner 

I Love You Baby, whether u believe me or not

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A random thought

what is.... L-O-V-E

LOVE...what is LOVE?
Does anyone really know?
Is it something you feel in your heart and soul?
Or is it a four letter word made up, who knows?
Does LOVE make you feel good?
Can LOVE make you cry?
Why is LOVE so hard at times?
Can LOVE disappear?
and if so.....why??

I really didn't mean to make it sound so depressing, I just started thinking about it, love is suppose to be the greatest feeling to have and share, but there are many different kinds of LOVE out there.Some are not great, they are painful. just a random thought I had sitting at work.

P.S. In no way am I unhappy, I started thinking about friends and their success and well not so successful luck with LOVE.


Every kiss,
Every touch,
Every minute sends a rush
You complete me, yes you do
Just call me...your love drunk fool
Is this real? could it be?
Do not wake me from this dream
For I am happy,once in life
Romeyo by my side, feels so right.
You are my babe, you are my man
You are the best, no other man can
Take your place, or even try
You are my rock,my world,my pride
Seven years together,gone so fast
Who would of thought we would last
A bond so strong,so real, so pure
Romeyo and Jeweliet forever, this I'm sure!
Every touch,
Every kiss,
You put me in infinite bliss!

Little Secrets

ok SO PROMISE YOU WONT GET UPSET!! I wrote this on 8/16th. I was depressed and questioning alot of things. I can truly say that I did realize my faults and admit I was wrong for thinking "some" of the things I did. I also feel like I had every reason to feel the way I did. So I come up even....either way I feel much better about everything and love you more and more everyday.

Little Secrets

I got this feeling, I cant shrug
its not love, its my trust
you are my husband,this I know
the vowels we took and promises we told
together forever til our ending day
but who's to say is our ending day?
to get old and wither away?
is it when the love fades away?
the love I have, so fierce, so strong
I would never cause no pain,no harm
but can you say the same to me?
honesty, loyalty, are you trustworthy?
I think you are, most the time
it hurts me so much, when u lie
secrets,secrets and some more
cant you see this marriage is torn?
I give it my all, for a fact I do
I simply wish you would too
can we make a new promise today?
no more secrets, in any way
big or small, I do not care
but I got a secret now I must share.

I love you, I always will!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Love Him

Today I figured I would elaborate alittle more on myself and the life I'm currently living in. I'm 26 years old, married to the greatest man I could ever imagine. No children at this time but hey were still young and have plenty of time for them later. I work full time at a job I somewhat enjoy but somewhat don't. The hours are horrible and the pay is just as bad. Well enough about that.

I wanna talk about my husband. He's on my mind constantly and he means the world to me. I'm jealous at the thought he isn't beside me and other people are getting his attention. I feel like we do not spend enough time together. We work, sleep and then work some more. I fear the flame is almost not there anymore from the lack of communication and being apart during the day. He has resorted to talking to other people and I'm just not cool with that...I will find another job!! I put my life on it! I would do anything for this man, my romeyo just does not understand how much he means to me...this is more than love, this is a bond. A bond so strong and meaningful to me. I will not let it be ruined or taken away from me! I would only hope and pray he feels the same way. I love you my romeyo!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Welcome to my blog, I hope to share the trial and tribulations of my life. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. I will be known as Jeweliet. In no way am I here to make you like me,hate me, or judge me. I'm simply here to express my feelings and get things out that I would otherwise keep bottled inside.